The Journey Towards Having More FUN Surfing

Surfing means different things to different people, but should always remain at its core


Lack of progression and fatigue leads to frustration which then leads to an unpleasant lineup.  Nobody wants that.  The first step in thwarting this downward spiral is to improve your entire surfing experience, from the pre-surf ritual, paddling out, deciding on a spot to surf, making adjustments, choosing the wave for you, riding with flow, kicking out, sharing with others, and finally exiting the water to talk story with others afterwards.  At its root, to have more fun means to improve.  It doesn't matter where you start in this journey of progression, from novice to pro, you can always improve and enjoy the experience of surfing just a little ... bit ... more.  


Learn to Catch Any Wave

How Nat Young catches an impossible wave in the closing minute of Round 5 in the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach contest - the three techniques he uses to catch the wave that eventually led him into the Finals

In the video below I analyze a wave Nat Young caught in the dying minute of Round 5 against Josh Kerr that propelled him into the next round and subsequently led him into his first World Tour Finals appearance.  I cover three key techniques Nat uses, how they relate to swimming, and how you can use them to improve your paddling.

Below the video I have posted swim sets and drills for you to practice a few of these techniques.  Enjoy.

I welcome comments and questions. Please share with your friends if you find it helpful.

See you in the water...


A warm up and warm down are required for each of these sets:

1. SWIM SET - purpose: to feel the difference between head up and head down freestyle

8x50, 0:20 rest, alternate half laps between head down and...


Learn to Paddle Like World Champion Kelly Slater

An Analysis of the Kelly Slater and Bede Durbidge paddle battle at the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast - the top three paddling techniques Kelly uses

In the following video, I break down the paddle battle that took place in Round 4 of the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast between Kelly Slater and Bede Durbidge.  I cover the three key paddling techniques that Kelly uses, how they relate to swimming technique, and how you can use and practice them for your own surfing.

I welcome comments and questions.  Please share with your friends if you find it helpful.

See you in the water,


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