A Surf Tune-Up - at Lakeside Surf

surf trip Aug 23, 2024

Much like an automobile, our surfing needs a tune-up each year. Unlike our cars, a surfing tune-up, as I am defining it, doesn’t involve repair. A surfing tune-up is about building neural pathways (new or renewed) so when an opportunity presents itself in the ocean, our brain automatically moves the body parts it needs to in order to achieve the maneuver we sought.

As I’ve mentioned in past articles, Lakeside Surf Rail Surfing Coaching Trip with Barry Green and

From a Down the Line to a Carving Surfer … in 3 Days, the learning curve at Lakeside is steeper than other wavepools. Every wavepool, every surf break in fact, has a learning curve our brain needs to go through in order to get to a stage where we are just surfing (and therefore progressing). Sometimes the learning curve is learning the takeoff, when the wave stands up, when the wave backs off, or simply how the water is moving as we ride the wave. Because Lakeside is so foreign for our brains, it takes a while to break through that learning curve and start surfing.

Once a surfer has broken through the initial learning curve, however, the progression is fast and furious. This becomes an opportunity to carve, conduct roundhouses, snaps, and speed lines that would normally only present itself a handful of times in the ocean.

The Lakeside wave, while different, is 1-2% of surfing in actuality. When that 1-2% opportunity presents itself in the ocean, our brains need to be primed and ready to take advantage of it.

But what if it’s the first time our brain has ever seen that section on a wave, moving that speed at which we are moving? We will inevitably muck it up. In the ocean, we might get that section at that speed again possibly in the same session, but more likely on a different day, month, or maybe even a different year altogether.

What if you already had that movement encoded in your brain? Would your body react quicker? You may still muck it up, but not nearly as bad, and you would begin the process of progressing with your surfing much faster.

I have personally felt a difference each and every year. Lakeside Surf is my own annual carve/cutback/trim control tune-up so that my brain is ready for that section in the ocean each time it arrives.

Don’t take it just from me. Here’s a note from one of the surfers post the most recent Lakeside Surf Trip:

“Finally got some waves today -- definitely felt a difference in the water on waves with a face. Did the tightest frontside turn I can remember doing because muscle memory kicked in, I got my foot on the tailpad and was aiming for the top half of the wave.”

This was his first trip to Lakeside and he did it the right way. He arrived early, took care of the learning curve in 4-5 public sessions prior to our private sessions so he could hit the ground running right from the beginning. And it worked.

What kinds of tune-ups do you do every year, every month, every week? I have many different tools to help me, but for carving, there is nothing better than a few days at Lakeside Surf each year.

To learn more about paddling technique courses, coaching and non-coaching surf trips, and other events, send me a note. I love talking surfing and how to make the entire experience more enjoyable.

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